GlidePath Names New CEO and Chief Revenue Officer
GlidePath Power Solutions today announced that Chris McKissack has been appointed CEO and Byron Boone has joined the company as Chief Revenue Officer.
McKissack has been with GlidePath since the company’s founding in 2014 and in his former capacity as COO, was instrumental in building up the current c. 500 MW operating portfolio of storage, wind and solar assets and 2.1 GW development pipeline of U.S. battery storage projects.
The change in leadership comes as GlidePath enters a new phase of its growth and nears completion on several key projects spanning battery storage and project repowering. Since its founding, GlidePath has assembled an expert team across the entire value chain from project development to operations that has set the company on a path for continued success.
“GlidePath continues to be at the forefront of expanding the role of energy storage in the U.S. electricity grid, including integration with existing operating assets to maximize their value,” said McKissack. “I’m grateful for the confidence the board has placed in me and look forward to leading GlidePath in its next phase of development.”
Highlighting its growing portfolio of diverse renewables and battery storage assets, Byron Boone has joined the Glidepath team as Chief Revenue Officer and will focus on the continued optimization of the expanding fleet of operating wind and solar plants by integrating battery storage and technology upgrades. Boone previously served as Vice President of Development for RES Distributed and has significant experience in developing and bringing new energy technologies to market.